Rules and restrictions

  1. Advertiser rules
    1. The system involves's online stores, with the exception of services. It's negotiated individually.
    2. It's forbidden to register more than 1 account.
    3. It's forbidden to upload products with pornographic or erotic content.
    4. Propaganda of violence and provocation of interethnic hostility, propaganda and sale of drugs, sale of weapons and diplomas are prohibited.
    5. Don't advertise registered goods and services using mobile phones and do not pay with text messages (tests, diets, mobile content, etc.)
    6. Don't advertise prohibited substances, cigarettes and drugs (pills, vitamins, etc.)
    7. Advertising must not violate local advertising legislation.
  2. Rules for creating advertisements
    1. Ad title should not exceed 75 characters. Ad text should not exceed 75 characters.
    2. The picture should be clear, high-quality, without emptiness.
    3. It is forbidden to use images and animation of large sizes. The maximum size of a static image 50 kb, an animated image 150 kb
    4. Capitalization rules must be followed. Text and title should begin with a capital letter.
    5. The text and title must comply with the norms of censorship.
Violation of requirements gives the administration the right to block the display of ad units. When registering with NativClick, you automatically agree to follow the rules and requirements of this network.